Would you stand your ground...or would you retreat?...this is not the subject I expected to be writing about today...I began this post about a week ago...I titled it "confounding" with the intention of compiling some of the strangest news of the week...things that would amuse...surprise...titillate...news of weird and uncommon things that had happened in America...
This was before the George Zimmerman verdict...the one that freed him...the one communicating that...in Florida at least...it is OK for a person to use deadly force to overtake another person's ground...the one that came on the heels of the verdict in that same State...putting Marissa Alexander...a woman who fired a warning shot into a wall...who did not kill her allegedly abusive husband...who, found guilty, will now be imprisoned for the next twenty years...
Today, as I sit...sick to my stomach at the injustice of these two verdicts...I realize that confounding doesn't begin to describe what is happening in America...
Ronald Fulton, Trayvon's uncle, was quoted before the verdict came in...saying "I can't wait until it's over. I can't wait until it's over."
Neither can I...because if all I do is wait, it will never be over...