What does decluttering mean to you?...I realized today that getting rid of the many catalog subscriptions that come my way qualifies...
It all started by not getting my mail for several days...I was amazed at the number of catalogs I had waiting for me...catalogs I never look at...catalogs I grouse about receiving...catalogs from companies who also send me email...
So instead of continuing to complain and do nothing...a pattern of mine that...surprise, surprise...has extended to other areas of my life before now as well...I got on the phone and called each company...
By far Heifer International was the most welcoming...the representative chatted me up as she was locating and finding my subscription record...and she was one of the few who didn't already have my email address...and I willingly shared it...yes, blessedly, some of them won't know how to contact me at all any more...
For those of you who are wondering, I did consider having a service do this...until I reviewed comments about the results they get...and also realized I'd have to sign up for an online account...meaning yet another website would have my personal information...my buying preference information (which catalogs didn't she cancel?)...
And when I was done calling everyone, I felt great...just like when I clean out a closet...or a drawer...or a wall in the garage...something a new friend of mine calls creating "happy spaces"...and no wonder...I do feel happy...
So happy I think I'll tackle my email subscriptions next...and if by chance you are doing any early Christmas shopping, here's a link you might consider...
Heifer International's gift catalog...a way to give and do good all at the same time...