Have you ever had to battle a homeowner's association? I haven't...and many years ago, a friend of mine did...over something it never occurred to me could be a problem...
A clothesline...
This is why a particular headline grabbed my attention today...it appeared in a long list of other headlines from one of my many RSS feeds...and the topic was irresistible...it read... "Which States guarantee your right to use a clothesline in the teeth of an uptight homeowner's association?"...
Turns out California is one of the states where you can use a clothesline...whether your HOA likes it or not...thinks it's unsightly...or suggests it could strangle someone...seriously, strangulation...one of the strongest arguments against clotheslines...
So California is a "right to dry" State...I'm sure my friend is giggling...and at least she can take down that sign in her front yard declaring "It ain't no crime to have a clothesline!"...
Brightly-coloerd clothespins bobbing above a second-floor window in Florence, Italy...