I opened my email this morning to find a LinkedIn invitation...not an unusual occurrence...except this time if was from Victor, the cab company owner in Paris who gave my friend Sue and me such superb service during our visit to the City of Light...
I found him accidentally...providentially...as I was scouring hundreds of blogs entries and comments about things to do...I read and read for weeks before our journey...at least one hundred different Paris blogs each day...Victor's name was tucked far down a list of comments...like a jewel in a sea of discarded belongings...
I sent him an email immediately asking him to meet us at the airport...giving him all the details of our arrival...and, having read that Paris taxis usually have small trunks, I warned him that we had more than one bag each...
Victor responded right away...added us to his schedule...and asked us to confirm a couple of days before our arrival indicating how many bags we were bringing...no deposit...no credit card...just a reasonable price...and trust...
G7...one of Victor's main competitors in the City of Light...the one I would avoid at all costs...
Dapper and charming, he met us at the appointed time in the baggage claim area at CDG...holding a sign with our names...promptly carted our bags and loaded them onto his van (yes, smart and experienced, he knew he would need a van to accommodate our luggage)...
As we slipped into the City, he gave us a talking tour of all of the places and buildings we were passing...we arrived refreshed at our apartment in the Marais...much better off for Victor's care...
Victor and his drivers were equally prompt and attentive as they later drove us to Gare de Lyon for our Bordeaux visit...to a late dinner far across the city in an outlying arrondissement...and finally when we left for our return trip home, much earlier in the day due to unexpected, last-minute problems with Delta Airlines, Victor arrived before sunrise to escort us personally...
In my life, I have experienced few times of truly extraordinary customer service...our rides with Victor will be ones I will remember for a lifetime...if you are ever in Paris, and will need car service, here is how to reach him...
- booking...011 33 6 59 83 73 18
- mobile...011 33 6 61 63 94 60
- email...victorcabsparis@aol.com
- email...taximan4u@hotmail.com
- twitter...@taxi_only4u