For many years, I bought a new pair of sunglasses every Spring...not because I was a, because by the following Spring I had always lost the pair from the year before...
This habit finally ended the year I purchased an eyeglass cord...I had treated myself to a beautiful pair of designer expensive, but uniquely designed...each lens surrounded by an outsized, tortoise shell rim that cupped the eye socket, completely blocking sunlight from old-fashioned pilot googles, but more, they looked great with my hair, which was still brunette at the time...
Fast forward at least twenty years...I had protected my investment well...if those sunglasses were not on my face or dangling from the cord around my neck, they were on my head...the best headband ever...
So constantly did I wear those sunglasses that a coworker drawing a cartoon of me made them my most prominent feature...the only problem? I had long outgrown my love for them...and besides, my hair was now mostly gray and tortoise shell was just, well, this Spring I treated myself to a pair of shiny new black sunglasses...and I was just arrogant enough that I eschewed a matching cord...
It's funny how beliefs work...I had these new sunglasses for one month before abandoning them to the top of a clothing rounder at the Nordstrom Rack...I knew the moment I exited the store exactly where I had left them...I rushed back in to no avail...they were gone and no one had turned them in...
Skip forward two weeks...I returned to the Rack today to exchange a purchase...amazingly, the sunglasses were waiting for me in the Lost & Found...many thanks to the person who rescued them so that I would have one more chance to decide: do I buy a new cord or, this time, do I believe fully in my ability to keep track of them without one?