Have you ever lost something that has led you to finding something else?...when I realized I had lost my photos from my last ten days in Paris, I couldn't begin to figure out what I had done during those days...which made it impossible to determine what photos I might be missing...
I started with my calendar...thinking I might have added notes about what I was doing...and quickly realized I had been relying on the dates on my photos to tell me that...
Next I turned to my Google maps...maps I had made before I left...maps identifying all of the places I wanted to see when I was there...maps I hadn't looked at since I returned from the trip...
That's when I realized it was time to create a new map...one for my next trip... so I started by looking at my existing maps and making notes of the places I had intended to but didn't visit...
The next thing I knew, I was done...and I had two maps...one for the next trip identifying the many places I have yet to see...and this one...I labelled it France Trip April 2012...as I review it now, I can see that what I have consistently called "my Paris trip" actually took me to ten different cities and towns...I realize now that I visited an astonishing number of places during the thirty days I was there...
And still, I can't wait to go back...