Have you ever experienced having an entire week fall into a black hole and have no idea where it went?...that's the kind of week I had...beginning with what I call "technology hell" and ending with me in bed elevating the knee I managed to mangle in the process of resurfacing from its depths...
So what happened during this lost week?...just about everything...
- In the beginning...there was a power failure...
- Followed by a series of network and equipment failures...and, yes, everything was surge-protected...and, no, nothing was actually lost...except time...and did I mention...patience?...
- Then my Mom received unexpectedly and abnormally low blood test results...necessitating two additional medical appointments...
- Next came a photography shoot where I planned to tether my camera to my laptop...the better to see results with...it worked brilliantly for all of thirty minutes before inexplicably untethering...and untethering...and...OK, so I gave up...
- Alongside discovering that in a desperate need for hard drive space I had overwritten ten days of images I shot in Paris, thinking wrongly that I had already imported them and backed them up elsewhere...
- And I could go on and on...and, well, you know...on...
Instead, I'm going to take a page from my friend Holly Riley's Allowing Handbook...OK, let me be honest here...I'll be using an entire chapter...and the following quote from Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor...in this blog post....in response to a question about why people fail to choose happiness, Dr. Taylor replied...
"I don’t think they know the simplicity, that we are circuitry. We have a choice in what circuits we run. Does that mean avoid heavy emotions? Absolutely not. It means allow yourself to experience the emotion. The more you keep it at bay, the more it’s going to beckon. Allow yourself to welcome it, savor it, celebrate it - and let it go in 90 seconds."
Prepping for photo shoot...