It was like going back to the moment, I was walking down the main street in Truckee, California...that's when I first saw the said Squeeze In...
It captured my attention because its style and vivid color seemed ill-conceived for our time...especially when compared to the more sedate, modern designs of its neighboring businesses...also, there are burger places in Sacramento by the (almost) same name...the burgers are famous locally...they grill the cheese...face down on the grill, it forms a lacy edge making a skirt around the edges of the find it delectable...I've never had one...
But I digress...
So, I'm in Truckee...I see the sign...I decide to go in...the very next moment, I am transported back to an earlier time...around the late sixties...there is wood everywhere...I wonder if I have dropped in to The Trident...then I remember...there is no psychedelic ceiling mural...
Instead, every surface...walls, ceiling, floors, tabletops...every inch is covered in some form of graffiti, message, art, tchotchke...and then I see the head (no, not the bathroom)...
"I'd rather be here now."...initially, my mind doesn't grasp the concept...I feel into the idea of life passes by...flim-like...slow motion...
I find myself wondering where I am...what decade I'm in...what time it is...what the word "now" means...whether time really exists...what it would feel like to be somewhere else wanting to be here now...
But I digress...