Tuesdays have been my favorite day of the week for a very long time...this is due mainly to having the world's best housekeeper...she's been arriving each week for many years...and she leaves behind her special imprint in wonderful ways...
There's the sparkling, clean home that looks like it did the day I moved in...the loving care she gives our many belongings...the sweet attention she lavishes on our aging cat...
And her contribution to our lives is so much greater than that...she often leaves some thoughtful sign of her presence...some treat to be thankful for...something original and gracious and utterly her...
Today, she left these beautiful roses from her own garden...
Roses from Randee's garden...
I found them when I returned from doing chores...there they were, sitting on my desk in a crystal vase my dear mother-in-law gave us as a wedding present...seeing it exploding with light from the nearby window, brought back a flood of memories...the day we went shopping for it, just after meeting for the first time...Mom's earnestness in searching for just the right one...her twinkling eyes as she made the purchase...the vastness of the love she had for her son...
I never count on these precious surprises...and the exquisite joy they bring is great...