What kind of a cup do you choose when you make coffee at home?...I'm wondering because for many years I have been drinking coffee from a glass cup...
Many, many, many cups of coffee...almost all of which have gone unfinished...often I take only a few sips before setting aside the cup...abandoning it...so that it can grow a ring around the inside where the glass ends and the coffee begins...a ring right where the cream sticks to the glass...like superglue...so hardened even a Scotch-Brite™ sponge is challenged to remove it...
I finally realized today...after so many years of (not) drinking coffee this way...why it is that I rarely finish a cup...
Wait for it...
The coffee turns lukewarm really fast...do you suppose that's precisely because I serve it in glass instead of ceramic or porcelain?...hmmm...
And it's only taken me...gee, I don't know...forty years to figure this out?...me...the person who pre-fills a carafe or thermos with boiling hot water that I pour our before whatever good stuff goes in...the boiling hot water that pre-heats the chamber...something I have also been doing for...yes, count them...forty years...
Is it my mind being duplicitous all this time?...hiding the obvious fact that what works well for the carafe would also create a similar result for the glass coffee cup?...or is it that I do so many things mindlessly...with little attention or thought...out of habit?...
I don't know which idea is more disturbing...and I'm pretty sure the answer is behind door number two...
The first really good cup of coffee I had in France...at the Café Lavinal in Pauillac...