Musings about everything... and no thing...

Synthesizing my experience into a single word that would convey meaning began as a game I started playing when I first traveled to the time, it was a way to title the travel blog posts I was writing. Since then, I've come to realize this as a form of meditation...a way to feel my way into an experience of something... to let judgment fall away... to capture the essence of a thing, place, person, interaction... for me, it often appears as a single word...a word simultaneously devoid, and completely full, of meaning.

I invite you to join me on the journey. View my images. Notice what you sense...see...hear. Allow your own story, you own word to arise. Just step into the shot...feel yourself in that that time. Become the shooter...then become the experiencer. Sometimes this simple viewpoint shift is all it takes to get immersed and have that one, right word appear as if by magic… or even better, have all words fall away entirely.